Cowboy True's Christmas AdventureImagine a ZooCorky Tails: Sagebrush Meets the ShunsThe StoryCorky Tails: Tails of a Tailless Dog Named SagebrushPrickly KissesTommy the Tugboat TurtleMiguel's Spaceship/La Nave Especial de MiguelNo Such Things as DragonsReady or NotShiftAnnaGrey and the ConstellationAstrid Finklecorn Gets InspiredBack to the MuseumThe Healing LodgeBeastie JamboreeThe Memory JarSummer of L.U.C.K.At The MuseumDeidra's DollyMockingbird Make Up Your MindNo, no EbenezerRey and the Magic AmuletWinston Learns the Meaning of Christmas